

Sunday Mornings 10:30am

Kid’s Korner: (pre-K to K) Through engaging activities, children enjoy learning about the Bible. Kid’s Korner meets during our worship service.

J.A.M.=Jesus and Me.:  (1st to 5th Grades)  We provide activities that teach the Bible and help grow a child’s relationship with God. JAM meets during our worship service.

Sunday Evening 6-7pm

TEAM KIDS:  (Pre-K to 5thgrades)     Children have a Bible lesson, learn about missions and participate in game time.

YOUTH: (6th-12th grades) Our teens are engaged in the Word of God and are taught lessons relevant to their lives. We also spend time having fun, playing games, building relationships, praying and encouraging one another.

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Youth Ministries– Click to see our crew in action!!



K-9 Cop talks with youth about drugs and making good choices
K-9 Cop talks with youth about drugs and making good choices